Making a complete anti-thesis to the meaning of “immaculate,” surface areas, like our desks, have been breeding grounds for germs that can cause disease, including the dreaded COVID-19. But Cherry Home seeks to resolve that with the power of ultraviolet light through its Smart UVC Disinfecting Desk Lamp.
The Smart UVC Disinfecting Desk Lamp is an automated addressing of an issue that is commonplace in all surface areas which takes advantage of the scientifically known power of ultraviolet rays in killing off unseen life. This means sterilizing no less than 99.9% of all bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other disease-causing germs within the space of 30 square meters.
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Designed to be “smart,” the Smart UVC Disinfecting Desk Lamp works independently or complementary with other electronic devices, especially smartphones. Unaided, the UV lamp is capable of responding to motions and has an auto-safe feature that sees itself automatically ceasing function after the span of 30 minutes.