Several House members, in a bid to foster efficiency and transparency in justice administration, have jointly filed House Bill (HB) 9194 that instructs the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) and Bureau of Correction (BuCor) to build a “Digital Prison Records System.” The system is aimed at the storage, management, and distribution of information involving persons deprived of liberties (PDLs), their cases, and other related concerns.

Per Section 3 of the bill, both the BJMP and BuCor will take responsibility for the digitalization of their system as a shift from the customary paper-based methods that contain documents involving the PDLs under their respective custody.

Additionally, Section 4 of the bill suggests the condition by which the system would become accessible. Particularly, the law enforcement agencies and the courts via their authorized agents and officers, and the legal counsels of the PDLs. It also states that the integration with the existing records management system of law enforcement agencies and the courts, per approval of the Supreme Court.

But as the proposed system will dabble with personal and sensitive data, the processing and sharing of information will have to adhere to Republic Act 10173, or the Data Privacy Act.

With the Act set to take effect within 90 days from effectivity, BJMP and BuCor will be synchronized with the National Privacy Commission (NPC), Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT), and other related agencies in communicating the rules and regulations of its proper execution.

Section 5, meanwhile, centers around the proposed system’s safety and security from interference and illicit access by bolstering its defense with security measures aimed at safeguarding the stored data.


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