Adding another layer of protection to the now Facebook-owned cross-platform instant messaging application, WhatsApp Messenger, a two-step verification feature was included which verifies on a user’s identification should the same person register on another device.

Although not the first company to come up with the idea and implement the aforementioned revolutionary feature, WhatsApp has made a great choice in securing the privacy of its users with its rollout which came with the application’s most recent update.

With the application currently available to both iOS and Android users, WhatsApp Messenger is a mobile app with many users, each of which requiring the same security in privacy to sensitive data and personal details that may be accessible to prying or unauthorized individuals detrimental to the actual user.

As there is no such thing as a person that is without a secret, I’m sure that any sane WhatsApp Messenger would never say no to trying out this handy feature, especially so when the option to do so is absolutely free.

Given the similarities between the two mobile OSes, using WhatsApp Messenger on iOS will give the exact same feel as the Android. Similarly, how you would enable the two-step verification feature is akin to both operating systems.

Here’s how you can enable two-step verification on WhatsApp

  1. If you are a first-time user of WhatsApp Messenger, first download the application from either the Google Play Store or Apple Store, depending on your device. Otherwise, skip this step.
  2. Run the application if you already had it installed in your device.
  3. With the application running, go to its Setting option. Choose the Account option. You will be presented with yet few more options namely Privacy, Security, Two-step verification, Change number, and Delete my account. Intuitively, choose the Two-step verification.
  4. Clicking on the Two-step verification, you will be directed to a page which gives some details about the feature and a button labeled “Enable” to be pressed below it. Choose to click on the button to activate the new feature.
  5. Having chosen to enable the two-step verification, you will be led to another page which prompts for your preferred 6-digit combination of numbers and will be validated by asking you to enter the same number code again.
  6. In cases when you forgot the PIN code you personally encoded for retrieval, an email address will be asked for.
  7. Hit the Done button after having successfully completed all of the requirements mentioned.

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