The House of Representatives has unanimously approved House Bill 10699, otherwise known as “Sana All May Internet Act” in its third and final reading.
The bill seeks to provide a more affordable and accessible internet to all by eliminating the spectrum users fee (SUF).
Currently, telecommunications pay SUF to the national government to utilize specific frequencies. With the removal of SUF, lawmakers believe that it will empower smaller internet providers to lower the cost of internet services.
It aims for the widespread use of Wi-Fi technology and infrastructure development in the country, to eventually make internet services more affordable to the public.
With House Bill 10699, the government through the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) and the NTC, is prohibited from levying and collecting fees from the telcos for their use of specified frequencies.
The measure includes Wi-Fi frequencies at 2.4-2.4835GHz, 5.150- 5.350 GHz, and 5.470-5.850 GHz, and other frequencies that NTC deem open and unprotected after a notice and hearing.
However, the list is not exclusive. NTC may add to the current list of frequencies should there be a need in the future. The bill will also in no way amend or repeal the “The Free Internet Access in Public Places Act” or Republic Act (RA) No.10929.