Airbnb has updated its privacy guidelines to enhance the protection of guest privacy during their stays. As part of these new policies, Airbnb has implemented a complete prohibition on the use of indoor security cameras within properties listed on its platform.

Prior to this change, it was permissible for hosts to install cameras in shared spaces within their property while ensuring that private areas such as bedrooms and bathrooms remained camera-free. However, hosts were expected to inform guests about the presence of any cameras within the listing details. The recent policy shift has now made the rules clearer by eliminating the possibility of indoor surveillance altogether.

In addition, Airbnb has introduced restrictions on outdoor cameras. Hosts are now required to fully disclose the presence of any outdoor cameras, and these devices must not invade privacy by pointing inside or being positioned in areas where privacy is typically expected, such as places with outdoor showers or saunas.

READ: How to find hidden cameras in vacation rentals

The use of doorbell cameras and noise level monitoring devices is still allowed, but hosts must disclose these as well and ensure they only monitor noise levels without recording or transmitting audio. These can only be placed in common areas of the property.

Airbnb will enforce these policies strictly, with any host found to be in violation risking the deactivation of their listing or suspension of their account. Travelers planning trips should still carefully review their rental agreements to learn about any camera installations since these new regulations will not take effect until April 30, 2024.

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