Filipinos sure love to spend their time on their phones. Don’t believe it? This study from Telenor Asia has the numbers for you.

Telenor’s Digital Lives Decoded study surveyed more than 8,000 mobile internet users in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, and 1,010 respondents from the Philippines.

It’s been found that Filipinos spend 86% of their day using their mobile devices. That’s higher than the 73% average, tied to Thailand, and just slightly lower than the top-notcher, Malaysia (89%).

Filipinos also love to keep their phones with them at all times with 24% of the respondents saying that they are “never without mobile devices.”

The study explains that Filipinos feel that using mobile phones has a positive impact on their lives with 49% of them saying it helped improve their relationship with family. That’s higher than the regional average of 39%.

While usage might be higher, 83% of Filipinos believe that they have a healthy balance with their mobile use.

What’s more, it’s been revealed that Filipinos are using their phones positively by utilizing them to keep up with rising costs. 75% of the respondents use phones to hunt for the best deals and 74% to compare prices to see which one is better.

Also, 77% of the Filipino respondent said that mobile phones helped them improve their productivity at work over the last five years and 90% of them think that it has drastically improved the quality of their work and performance.

91% of the respondents also say that they use their mobile phones for upskilling opportunities.

But, due to the growing use of technology, 97% of the Filipino respondents do have concerns about privacy and security. Filipino’s top concerns are fake news and identity theft, both at 76%, and data theft at 74%.

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