Hackers hack because, well, they just can. It’s mostly for fun and bragging rights. Money-making opportunities in the underground economy is sometimes involved, and other times it’s about hacktivism or pushing for a political agenda. That last one seems to be case for hackers who recently victimized Maine Mendoza of the AlDub love team phenomenon.
The hackers targeted Mendoza’s Twitter account and posted a couple of tweets, one of which mentioned that the hackers are part of Anonymous Philippines. They also used the opportunity to promote the Million Mask March, an anti-corruption protest on November 5. According to the group, they just intended to bring awareness to the public, and using the account of a famous celebrity should do the trick. Mendoza’s account was also apparently one of the easiest to break into–common password, maybe?
But it didn’t end with Twitter; the hackers also gained unauthorized access to Maine Mendoza’s other social media accounts, including Instagram, Facebook and her email.
Fortunately, as of this writing, Mendoza has already regained access to some of her accounts. She also has deleted the tweets of the hackers. To explain themselves further, Anonymous Philippines has made a couple of posts on their official Facebook page.