Like 4G LTE, Smart Communications also dominates the 5G speeds here in the Philippines.

As per the 325,396 user-initiated 5G tests, Ookla hailed Smart 5G as the winner of its Speedtest Awards for the second half of 2021. The brand got a Speed Score of 201.95, which is almost twice as much as the closest competitor, who got a score of 116.08.

Smart was able to bag the award by having an average download speed of 218.82Mbps with a median upload speed of 22.46Mbps. Meanwhile, its closest competitor got an average download and upload speeds of 116.92Mbps and 10.81Mbps, respectively.

The company was able to show a 14ms of latency versus the competition’s slower 19ms.


For a closer look, Smart has a median download and upload speed of 263.67Mbps and 98.44Mbps, respectively, in Manila. The closest competition is at 28.27Mbps and 9.77Mbps, respectively.

In Cebu City, where 5G is the fastest in Visayas, Smart 5G is 88.34Mbps faster than the competition. While in Cagayan de Oro City in Mindanao, Smart 5G is 74.12Mbps faster.

Smart was able to put up 7,200 5G base stations across the country since its commercial launch in 2020, making their 5G services available in tons of locations in the Philippines.

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  1. while it is fast, the consistency of the speed and reliability of connection is super super POOR. been using this for several months.