
Smart Communications subtly rolled-out a new prepaid promo for its subscribers.

The new Smart ALL DATA prepaid promo will come with up to 24GB, valid for 30 days. As the name suggests, this new promo category will only come with data allocation; no calls or text, a perfect option for the growing number of people who only rely on online messaging apps to communicate.


As of writing, the ALL DATA promos are only available via the Smart GigaLife app. If you don’t have this app already, you can get it at the Google Play Store or Apple AppStore. It gives you access to Smart promos and monitors your GigaPoints earnings.

The ALL Data promo is currently available in three tiers. Hopefully, more currency values shall be available soon. So if none of them fits your needs or budget, you can check the other Smart Prepaid promos.

Smart ALL DAY Promos

  • SMART ALL DATA 50: 2GB all-access data, 3-day validity
  • SMART ALL DATA 99: 6GB all-access data, 7-day validity
  • SMART ALL DATA 299: 24GB all-access data, 30-day validity

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  1. Actually, you can’t play games like ML or COD with the AllData Plan. You can’t use Spotify too. It’s great to have this plan if you want to use your phone as a hotspot.