The Philippines’ most popular finance app GCash is banning the use of its app on devices that are either “rooted” or “jailbroken” in an effort to fight frauds, scams, and account takeovers. The new rule takes effect immediately, following concerns over the security weaknesses of modded smartphones.

Apart from devices that run on modified systems as mentioned, GCash also includes devices that operate in “developer mode,” citing the configuration’s vulnerability to attacks.

In iOS terms, “jailbreaking” is the method of altering the normal settings of an iPhone or iPad’s operating system. Likewise, Android refers to the same procedure with a different name, that is, “rooting.”

GCash revealed that having a GCash account on a jailbroken, rooted, or a device in “developer mode” will not necessarily ban the said account. However, the new measure will prevent existing users from getting access to their accounts on the app when using a device it deems susceptible to attacks.

Per GCash Chief Technology Officer and Operations Officer Pebbles Sy, the use of a modified device comes with a severe security risk.

Sy explained in more detail by citing scenarios whereby the vulnerabilities can be exploited. One is that modded devices do not get critical security updates, which renders them open to viruses and other attacks.

Another is that it exposes the devices to another type of infection, that is, malware, which not only corrupts the system but also extracts the user’s sensitive details. Malware is the umbrella term for malicious programs, aside from viruses, which include spyware, adware, keyloggers, rootkits, etc.

Lastly, Sy added that more sensitive information can also be exploited when using a compromised system. Namely, personal and financial data, such as credit card information and online credentials. This information can be used to empower scammers and hackers to perpetrate their nefarious schemes. If you have issues, make sure to contact GCash’s customer service immediately.

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