
At long last, crossplay is finally coming to Overwatch since it came out about 5 years ago.

With Overwatch Crossplay, players can finally group up and play together whether they’re playing on Windows PC, PlayStation, Xbox, or even Nintendo Switch. The feature will be made possible by Blizzard’s latest global Battle.net update.

This new Battle.net update will merge friends lists from different regions into one. There is no need for players to switch regions just to play with their friends from other parts of the world. However, China would still be its own and separate region.

For it to work, players are required to create a Battle.net account and link their respective console accounts. To do these, you should follow these steps.



Those who will follow the steps and log in to Overwatch by December 31, 2021, are entitled to a free Golden Loot Box to celebrate the feature’s release. However, the lack of cross-progression is a bit disappointing.

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