The Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) is seeking for a Php46.6 billion budget for 2021. This will be alloted to finance programs towards digital transformation in the new normal. The proposed budget is seven times more than its current Php6 billion budget.

In a statement by the department, Php22.1 billion of the proposed budget will go to digital connectivity and accessibility programs. These include Free WiFi for All in Public Places and State Universities and Colleges Program, the National Broadband Program (NBP), and the Government Emergency Communications System.

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The proposal also includes the Digital Government projects ( Php11.7 billion), and Digital Workforce, Digital Education (Php10.2 billion), Cybersecurity (Php1.05 billion), Digital cities and provinces (Php55 million), and department’s internal programs (Php1.3 billion).

DICT Secretary Gregorio B. Honasan II hopes that Congress will approve the budget proposal. He said that there is an urgent need for digital transformation to adapt to the new normal.

Meanwhile, the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) said 2021 will have a 4.3-trillion national budget. This is 5% higher than the Php4.1 trillion for 2020.

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