More utilization of cloud technology by organizations comes the complication with security. With the approach set between adopting a multi-cloud and hybrid approach, the attack surface becomes expanded while the complexity increases. Yet, in light of these problems, security teams scuffle in managing and securing various public and private cloud environments.

Although the adoption of multi-cloud comes with multiple benefits, having to work on more tools only adds to the complexity of management, hindering or otherwise completely obstructing the consistent application of security policies implemented in cloud environments. Making matters worse is that as organizations continue to add cloud services, the security complexity grows over time, resulting in more costs and management in management.

In an attempt to gain insights in the trials that organizations encounter in keeping secure cloud environments and prioritizing strategies, Cybersecurity Insiders conducted the 2024 Cloud Security Report, with sponsorship from Fortinet. The resulting report was derived from an extensive survey involving 927 security professionals worldwide.


Per the 2024 study, a large portion of the organizations (78 percent) employ both hybrid and multi-cloud approaches. Among these organizations, nearly half (or 43 percent) use a combination of on-premises and cloud infrastructure. The remaining 35 percent, meanwhile, use a strategy with a multi-cloud setup.

Taking into account established data from two years ago, the change sees only a slight increase when 33 percent use multi-cloud and 39 percent of organizations use hybrid cloud.

Following years of quick adoption that resulted in slowed cloud growth due to market maturation, the hype found its balance while giving an understanding of the advantages of cloud computing.


Many organizations acknowledge that security is an essential part of their cloud strategies. But this realization gives almost every organization—or 96 percent of them—the concern around cloud security at moderate and extreme levels. Security is seen as integral as such that 61 percent anticipate an increase in the budget by 37 percent in the next 12 months.

Although the insight of the study is clear, so is the understanding that the industry seriously lacks individuals who have expertise in cloud security, causing moderate to extreme anxiety to 93 percent of the respondents.

Despite the understanding that complex multi-cloud and hybrid environments are hard to secure, 95 percent of organizations agree that a unified cloud security platform is crucial in the consistent and total protection of data.

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