Pavel Durov, the founder of messaging app Telegram, has made it clear that he’s no fan of Apple and its products.
Shared May 19 on his Telegram channel, Durov says creating software for the iOS feels like being in the Middle Ages. He claims that Apple’s business model is to sell “overpriced, obsolete hardware” to customers who are stuck in their “walled garden.” He also criticized the iPhone’s 60Hz displays in comparison with Android handsets that feature displays with 120Hz refresh rates and can therefore render smoother animations.
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Durov made these comments in reaction to a New York Times article alleging Apple’s kowtowing to China’s censorship and surveillance policies despite being an advocate for privacy and free speech.
As for Apple fans, Durov has labeled them as digital slaves of Apple, because the company only allows its users to download apps from its own app store.
Source: Android Central