Smart has launched a new app for its 56 million subscribers to enjoy. Known as the Smart PowerApp, it’s the company’s so-called mobile storefront that provides several Internet bundles at affordable rates. Smart is even giving away the social app bundle for free until January 15, 2014 as an introductory offer.

The free bundle comprise of popular social networks: Facebook, Foursquare, Google Plus, LinkedIn, Path, Twitter, and Waze. Users can avail of the plan or service for free every day.

Smart PowerApp’s other bundles revolve around other Internet activities, including email (Gmail, Yahoo!), chat (Chikka, FB Messenger), photo (Instagram, Flickr, Pinterest), and more. Rates start from Php5 to Php10 for 3 hours or Php10 to Php30 for 24 hours. An all-access bundle is also available for viewing all websites and applications, with the exception of YouTube and BitTorrent. These latter two require an optional boost plan.

Those worried about “nakaw load” (the consumption of prepaid credit without the user’s knowing) will be happy to know that the Smart PowerApp prevents apps not included in a subscribed bundle from gaining Internet access. They won’t then be able to transmit data actively or in the background and consequently consume load.

Launched in October, Globe also provides free access for its own subscribers until January 2014. It’s only limited to Facebook, though.

Currently in beta, Smart PowerApp can now be downloaded for free at the Google Play Store. A Talk ‘N Text version is also available. Feature phones can avail of the service by texting POWERAPP to 5555.

[Download links: For Smart | For TNT]
[Source: Smart]

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