Huawei-Y7p-NoypiGeeks (43)

Prospective buyers looking into a new Huawei handset may have fewer models to choose from, as Huawei has reportedly stopped the production of its entry-level smartphones.

Per a report from MyDrivers, Huawei’s concept stores in China are already selling a limited number of smartphone models. The main reason is due to the ongoing global chip supply shortage, which is feared to last until well into 2022 and even 2023.

Also exacerbating Huawei’s production issues is the sanctions by the US amid its trade war with China. Specifically, Huawei is facing difficulties in getting important semiconductor components for its smartphones.

The MyDrivers report also mentioned that in the five Huawei stores it checked, only four smartphone models were available. Of these models, the color variants and storage options were also limited. With the Nova smartphone series, for instance, only the Nova 8 Pro was reportedly available in limited quantities for ¥3,999 (approx. ₱29,690).

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