Google has made significant strides in predicting floods along riverlines by leveraging artificial intelligence (AI), with some forecasts made up to a week ahead. These efforts were not just talk, as it has been supported by research published in Nature, a prestigious scientific journal. Considering floods rank as the most prevalent natural disaster worldwide, developments of new and effective early warning systems are becoming increasingly more important.
Traditionally, forecasting floods has presented considerable challenges due to a lack of streamflow gauges on many rivers. Google overcame this obstacle by developing machine learning models that draw from a broad spectrum of data, such as river level measurements, past flood incidents, and geographical information. The tech giant then crafted detailed maps for each area and ran extensive simulations. This multi-faceted approach enabled Google’s AI models to predict floods with remarkable accuracy.
Though these models are exceptionally precise for specific areas, Google‘s ambition is to scale up these methods to address flood prediction on a global level. While some floods were forecasted a full week in advance, the typical lead time has been closer to five (5) days. Google believes it has significantly expanded the window of current global forecasts from zero to five days. It will also notably enhance forecasting capabilities in historically underserved regions, including certain areas in Asia and Africa.
In total, Google’s technology has facilitated accurate flood forecasts across 80 countries, impacting an estimated 460 million individuals. The company has made these predictions accessible through familiar platforms such as Google Maps and Google Search, as well as through Android notifications. In addition, Google offers this critical information via its Flood Hub web application.
Moving forward, Google intends to delve deeper into the potential of machine learning for refining flood forecast models. By collaborating with academic researchers and experts, Google is fine-tuning this AI-powered approach with the aspiration to create a comprehensive, worldwide flood forecasting system.