The war is still on as Samsung releases a cool video ad to stab the iPhone 5. The 91 second video shows of the people in line to get the new iPhone 5 and how they are amazed by the awesome features of the Samsung Galaxy S3. The GS3 owners demonstrated the capabilities of the device and the people were eventually blown by their astonishment. The video is embedded below.


The ad battle between the two begun not two long ago. Samsung was the first to strike with an ad of “It doesn’t take a genius” to know that the Samsung Galaxy S3 is better than the iPhone 5. Then, Apple’s fans edited the photo and changed it in favor of Apple and says — “Don’t settle for cheap plastic”. If you’ve missed the photos, here it is.


Check out the video entitled “The Next Big Thing is Already Here — Samsung Galaxy S III”.

What do you think? I think Samsung is getting way overboard on this one though I really find that video ad funny. The actors and actresses were really good and it looked very natural. It seems like this story will not stop anytime soon so we expect updates on the development of this issues.

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