The Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) of Baguio City held the first esports tournament for its jail male dorm.

As per the post on the BJCMD (Baguio City Jail Male Dorm) Facebook page, a research from social asking platform Qutee reveals that 40% of respondents say that gaming helps improve the emotional wellbeing of a person. You can see the full post below.

At the tournament, BJCMD inmates played DOTA 2 and battled it out until an ultimate winner prevailed.

To the amusement of everyone, the initial post was since then republished in other news pages on Facebook, which garnered a lot of positive comments from the people.


Some users praised it as a positive way to rehabilitate the inmates. While one user said that it benefits less physically active inmates as playing computer games is a great alternative to basketball, the common sports in penal institutions.

Other than playing e-games, a quick look at the Bjmp Baguio Cj-md Facebook page reveals that the institution have been resorting to different activities to improve the wellbeing of the inmates. They make special art projects, paintings, charcoal drawings, and even a The Voice-like singing competition.

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