No, it’s not a smart ring you’ve been seeing emerge in the mobile space. It’s not an April Fool’s product, either. The new Casio Ring Watch is literally a classic digital watch fit for your fingers.

The first Casio Ring Watch was introduced in celebration of Casio Watch’s 50th anniversary. Casio highlights how their “newly developed miniature module and advanced metalworking technology” have created a product that’s both “practical and playful.”

It’s literally the full-metal version of the classic Casio digital watch on a smaller scale. Casio shrunk the internals to have the same features as the standard-sized watch.


It features a smaller battery, three buttons, and a 6-digit LCD that can also show the calendar, and dual time, and has a stopwatch function.

What’s more, the watch also has a pulsing light that gives a subtle, pulsing glow.


The Casio Ring Watch CRW-001 is now listed on their official website for Php9,660. Availability details are yet to be known.

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