Yet another company is extending its goodwill to the Philippines. In light of the recent devastation brought upon by Yolanda, Filipino users on Viber can now call non-subscribers abroad through their regular numbers.
Available on the PC, iOS, Android, and several other platforms, Viber is an up-and-coming messaging service that competes with the likes of Skype and Google+ Hangouts. It normally provides free calls and text messages, as well as photo and location sharing, among its users. The free calling service to anyone outside the Philippines (even if they don’t have Viber) is only temporary to help Filipinos reach out to their loved ones abroad and inform them that they are okay.
Supported destinations include the US, Canda, UK, and China, with both landline and mobile numbers supported. Other countries, such as Australia, Brazil, and France, can be reached through landline only. More information can be found their Viber’s Typhone Haiyan Relief page.