Going to the air-conditioned malls and swimming at the beach aren’t the only ways to stay cool. By having your very own Shake ‘n Go Smoothie Maker, you can create your own drinks and keep yourself refreshed and healthy this summer!
Normally sold for Php1,399, Lazada PH is offering a Shake ‘n Go Smoothie Maker for just Php539—that’s a 61% discount! To avail of such rock bottom bargain, simply subscribe to the online retailer on WeChat. The instructions are simple: simply search Lazada’s WeChat ID (Lazada_PH) and start following.
The smoothie maker employs a strong motor to power its stainless steel blades. Just add the ingredients inside the spill-proof bottle container, and within seconds you’ll have a refreshing drink to quench your thirst. Fitness buffs and the health conscious consumers will surely love this item!
Besides the smoothie maker, Lazada Philippines has more exclusive deals to offer to its WeChat subscribers. In fact, there’s not a week where they don’t have discounted items for sale. So check often! As of this writing, a SanDisk Ultra 32GB microSD card is being sold for Php999 (or half its regular price). There are even occasional vouchers being given away and applicable to all items sold in the Lazada website.
hello just wanna ask how could I buy the smoothie maker. I want to buy this item