It’s quite common for video game characters and plots to root from graphic novels; it brings out the best of both illustrated work and technology’s potential to tinker with it. This time, a video game from a Filipino comic book is in the works. 

The comic property is called “Combatron”, and it seems like there is going to be a PC game based from it. An indie game studio is currently manning the progress, and a playable PC demo can be installed via the game’s Indiegogo page

Where did the inspiration come from? The comic book we are looking at is from Berlin Manalaysay’s “Combatron”, and the game—its title being ‘Combatron: Project Phoenix’—features characters from Manalaysay’s creation. 

Why does it seem unfamiliar? Well, it’s because this comics was a hit way back in the 1990s. It is a popular Funny Komiks series featuring a superhero. 

Now, by downloading the demo, players get to experience being in Combatron’s shoes as they control the hero’s actions: delivering punches and kicks, as well as jumps, while guiding the hero from evil cyborgs. 

Combatron: Project Phoenix has a vintage-y feel to it. It almost makes the player feel as if they were back in the 90s again—both with the graphics and the gameplay. Enemies are coming from all sides, and there are obstacles such as incoming vehicles which could potentially end the experience if the player isn’t fast enough to act. 


Caotix Pixel Studios, its developer, came up with the Indiegogo campaign to help fund this game’s development. They are set on adding more characters in the roster, as well as creating more levels and features to maximize gameplay. They also plan on releasing the game throughout multiple platforms, starting with the PC version available on Steam. In the future, the developer plans to make Combatron available on Android, iOS, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch.

The developers aim for a full release which includes eight levels, playable characters which includes Combatron, Axel, Mechababe, plus two more not currently named yet. They also hinted that players can upgrade their characters’ skills and stats. 

Other than the platform level experience, they also planned to add a ‘shoot’em up’ stage so players don’t stick to one gaming experience alone. 

All these will be covered by the funds brought on by the Indiegogo campaign. Also part of the funds is the hiring of a composer to create original music, voice actors, and writers—all which will contribute to improve the game’s experience. 

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On top of that, the Indiegogo campaign also offers different rewards to backers. The inclusion gives the game itself, the soundtracks, a digital art book, plus the chance to design their own playable characteres enemies, bosses, levels, and even skins. 

The game developer’s inspiration

JC Malapit, the game developer’s Team Lead, shares that Combatron is a childhood hero. Malapit got involved with the game developer industry in the year 2006, first joinig the Anino Entertainment company as a game designer. 

Since then, he had been an artist, animator, programmer, as well as producer, yet he also admits that it had been a struggle to maintain the passion to create and sell games he had developed whether alone or with a team. This was when Combatron showed up in his life again. 

This prompted Malapit to finally approach Manalysay regarding a game revolving around Manalaysay’s work. 

Combatron released a two-part comic book special back in 2018 and 2019, respectively. This was the finale to the saga where it was left off in the year 1997. 

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