We already have winners of the two new O+ 8.36 android phones that we raffled here on NoypiGeeks. Check out the name of the winners after the break. Who knows, you might end up winning a brand new smartphone!

This android phone giveaway is our most successful to date gathering over 40,000+ entries. So on behalf of the team behind NoypiGeeks, we want to thank you all!

Winners of O+ 8.36 Giveaway

The name of the winners are shortened as that’s a feature of Rafflecopter to protect them. Here are the complete names:

  • Shandie B. Valdez
  • Ruby Lorena Dimarucut

For others who didn’t win, don’t worry we might have another giveaway soon! So follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Google + to get our latest updates!

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