The ₱2.1 billion IT project for 2020 of the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) consists of several IT equipment and software with prices in the millions, including a set of laptops that’s apparently worth ₱115 million, according to board member Alejandro Cabading.

During a Senate hearing earlier today, Cabading, a certified public accountant, presented several items in the IT budget with questionable prices. Besides the laptop, here are the other allegedly overpriced items. (Via ABS-CBN News)

ItemPriceDICT Approved Cost
Adobe Master Collection Software₱21 million₱168,000
Application Servers and Licenses₱40 million₱25 million
Identity Management Software₱42 million₱20 million
Office Productivity Software₱21 million₱5 million
Application Server and Virtualization Licenses₱25 million₱14.8 million
Structured Cabling₱5 million₱500,000

SEE ALSO: Affordable laptops for online learning in the Philippines

Another set of laptops was included with a significantly lower yet still exorbitant price of ₱4.1 million. Cabading further said that many of these are repeat items that were already included in IT purchases of the previous two years.  

Cabading said that Ricardo Morales, the PhilHealth president and chief executive officer, approved the budget despite the prices that went far beyond the ones approved by the Department of Information and Communications Technology. 

Morales, however, insisted there was no irregularity and claimed what Cabading presented were budget proposals instead of contracts.

Late last month, the IT budget has been flagged by the Commission of Audit.

Source: ABS-CBN News

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