Wikipedia has provided good and high quality information online for a couple of years now in various subjects. It is maintained by volunteer contributors and was run without by the founder advertisements to be unbiased in their content. Little did people know that they can have Wiki articles downloaded as PDF. Now, I made a step by step guide on how to do that so you can take the notes with you on the go.


In this guide, I will show you how you can download Wikipedia articles as PDF or as a book so you can print in out for offline use. This is extremely useful if you want to have the information handy if ever you’ll use it in school or office presentation as reference.

The content of PDF books generated through Wikipedia are licensed under Creative Commons License. This trick is not known to all so I took some time to share it with my readers.

Let us get to the point so you can now start reading Wikipedia offline through your smartphone, tablet, or anything that can render PDF. In saving the articles, you can choose to save a single page or have multiple pages and have combine into a single PDF book in which you can set your own title.

Download Wikipedia Article As PDF

1. Go to and find your desired article.


2. Look at the left side and head over to the “Print/Export” button.


3. There will be three options namely; Create a Book, Download as PDF, and Printable version.

4. Choose “Download as PDF” for a single file.

5. It will prepare the desired article in PDF format. Wait for the process to finish.


6. After a while, the generated PDF file will be ready to download by clicking the “Download the File” link. Done!

Download Multiple Wikipedia Pages as PDF Book

1. Repeat steps 1-3 above.

2. If you want multiple files to be compiled in a PDF book, select “Create a Book”. You will be directed to the Book Creator page.

3. Click Start Book Creator and from there choose your needed Wikipedia pages. 


4. After you’ve finished your selection. Generate the PDF file then download. Done!


That’s it! Isn’t that easy? Now you can get all of your needed Wikipedia articles and pages downloaded into PDF in just a snap. Wikipedia will display your created file in your user account (if you have one) so if ever you wish to change or add more pages, you can do it easily by editing the template and saving it again as PDF.

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