NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope may have made a groundbreaking discovery about 744 trillion miles away from Earth, which some experts are calling the “discovery of the century.”

A team of international astronomers, led by Cambridge University professor Nikku Madhusudhan, recently announced their findings of potential evidence of life in the atmosphere of another world. The results have been accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letters.

Using data from the James Webb Space Telescope, the researchers detected the presence of carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere of exoplanet K2-18b. This exoplanet is located in the “Goldilocks region,” which is a habitable zone where liquid water exists on the planet’s surface, making it potentially conducive to supporting life. K2-18b is classified as a “sub-Neptune” planet, as it is approximately 8.6 times the size of Earth but smaller than Neptune.

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The discovery has generated excitement among astronomers and generated significant discussion on social media, with many considering it a major step forward in the search for alien life.

Discovering exoplanets in habitable zones is crucial in the pursuit of extraterrestrial life. The more exoplanets found in these zones, the higher the probability of finding a planet capable of supporting some form of life. Scientists believe that by continuing to search for such planets using rigorous scientific processes and investing in advanced technology, we may eventually find evidence that answers the fundamental question of whether we are alone in the universe.

Via: National Review

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