Here’s a Filipino phrase you’ve heard all your life: Barya lang sa umaga. It’s not an actual law, but something that’s always been followed when riding public jeepneys and tricycles. If you’re living under a rock, that means that you should only pay the exact amount or smaller bills for fares early in the morning.
But what if you’ve just withdrawn to the bank and all you have are Php500 or Php1,000 bills? Well, no need to scramble as a former jeepney, tricycle, and taxi driver Enrique Tan has developed an app called DyipPay.
The app will let you pay for your public utility vehicle (PUV) fares using your online bank account or e-wallet — no need to worry if you only have large bills in your wallet.
This also means that the driver can focus better on the road for the safety of everyone in the vehicle. In fact, the creator said that he got into an accident after being distracted from driving as he was reaching out for the passenger’s fare.
Tan gained proper knowledge in developing an app after he took a six-month computer software technology course with TESDA.
The app can show you the current destination of the PUV. You can also use it to scan a QR code on the PUV you’re in, input your departure and destination points, and see your fare and pay for it with a click of a button.
What’s more, the DyipPay app has a bonus of allowing users to book tricycle rides.
The app is now in the testing phase in select areas of Region 3. However, Tan did point out the lack of funding as a major challenge, but the company did say they plan to launch the app by 2024.
Via: GMA News Online