HONOR announced that it signed a new patent cross-license agreement with network infrastructure company Nokia, which covers inventions in 5G and other cellular technologies.

Nokia highlighted that the deal is its fourth major smartphone agreement in the last 12 months. The company also pointed out that its “industry-leading patent portfolio” consists of “around 20,000 patent families, including over 6,000 patent families declared essential to 5G.”

Meanwhile, HONOR boasted that 10% of their revenue has been reinvested towards research and development and that their global patent applications have exceeded 20,000.

“As both 5G SEP holder and implementor, Honor highly respects IP rights and strongly believes that reasonable value of IP is important to the development of mobile industry. The conclusion of the patent cross-license agreement shows Honor’s commitment on innovation to enabling a smart life across all scenarios and all channels, for all people,” said Wenyu Zhou, HONOR’s Head of Global Intellectual Property.

“We are delighted to have concluded an amicable patent cross-license agreement with Honor, one of the leading players in the Chinese smartphone market. It is the fourth major litigation-free smartphone agreement that Nokia has concluded over the past twelve months, and highlights once again the strength of Nokia’s patent portfolio and decades-long contributions to cellular standards and other technologies,” Susanna Martikainen, Nokia’s Chief Licensing Officer Mobile Devices.

The exact terms of the agreement remain confidential, however, we shouldn’t expect any patent lawsuits and disputes from the duo in the future. As you know, Nokia has a reputation for being overprotective with its patents and has filed patent infringement lawsuits against different companies.

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