
If you’re curious how the development of digital infrastructure in the Philippines is coming along, you can now do so via the Telecom Tower Watch. It’s a new initiative/project from the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) and consumer advocacy group CitizenWatch Philippines.

Launched during a recent online forum hosted by Stratbase ADR Institute, Telecom Tower Watch is a monitoring tool that provides transparency and accountability on ongoing projects on telecom infrastructure. It will also be used as an online awareness campaign in which stakeholders and entities from multiple sectors can meet to identify and address challenges, including unnecessary delays and hiccups in acquiring permits.

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According to CitizenWatch Philippines Convener Orlando Oxales, Telecom Tower Watch will help fast-track the expansion of the country’s digital infrastructure, since the initiative will expose parties causing obstacles to the expansion, thereby acting as a big deterrent.

Besides the Telecom Tower Watch initiative, the DICT has also launched other relevant campaigns and projects to address the increasing demand for broadband services. These include an online portal for monitoring companies involved in the construction and operation of shared cell towers, the leasing of excess capacities of telecoms in order to introduce Internet access to far-flung areas, and the provision of free Wi-Fi sites.

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