The recent announcement and eventual release of the developer’s preview of Android P has been both exciting and a letdown to people.
For people who are lucky enough to be in trend and was able to own an Android device which is supported by the next Android OS iteration, dubbed ‘Android P,’ the news is thrilling in that they’d be among the first to experience what this upcoming mobile OS has to offer first-hand.
But for those who are Android users themselves yet do not necessarily own the right hardware for which Android P can be tested, on the other hand, the idea can indeed be dejecting. That may be the case until the developer community and entered the scene, with the purpose of bringing Android P’s unique features to the majority of the Android users.
See also: The Best New Features of Android P
The idea is actually straightforward and pretty simple: if all users wanted is to check out what’s the fuss with the Android P is all about, they will not need to spend lavishly on a new Android phone as they can get the same features it has with their existing smartphones.
Related: Google Fuschia OS: The things we know so far
Here are the apps you can install in your Android device to mimic Android P’s new and exciting features:
Android P Launcher
With a new Android OS version comes a new look. Nowhere is this probably best displayed than the launcher made with Android P’s overall look in mind.
If you are interested in checking it by installing it in your device, you can download the Android P Launcher APK.
Smart Replies
Google understands how certain conversations is started or maintained with the right set of words or commonly-used expressions. Nowhere is this idea more ostensive than with the implementation of the “smart reply” feature which lets users choose an appropriate response to text messages, all while at the notification shade.
Interested users who are keen at using a beta version of the app should be able to get their hands on the APK installer of the said application here.
Screenshot Edit
Being able to take a screenshot of the device’s display screen is a nifty feature which had saved people from going through measures which would otherwise be made easy with just the simultaneous press of buttons. Adding more to this convenience, Android P’s screenshot capability is also bundled with the option to markup the taken screenshot for some touch-up.
Interested in taking some screenshots on your device which you could also edit at a whim? Download the Markup app APK installer.
Volume Slider
The volume slider may had mostly been at the top portion of the screen if you’re using a default Android OS. Android P deviated from this usual design a little by moving the slider from the top of the screen to the side.
The added change may not be much. But if it is to your liking, get the APK file for the feature here.
Lockdown Mode
Ever find the fingerprint sensor of the Android device to be less as desirable as it was intended to be? The developers of Google do, too, and is the reason why Android P will come with a feature which could prevent the fingerprint sensor from working as a means of unlocking the device via biometrics.
Find this new feature intriguing? You can get the Lockdown app here.
That’s it! Pretty easy, right? Of course, it’s not the full-fledged Android P experience, but simply a taste of what’s to come on the upcoming Android update. As always, if you have any questions about this post, let us know in the comments section below and we’ll gladly help you out.