While Starmobile smartphones have typically been more expensive than a few other local brands, many of their new phones have been making a push at the lower end of the pricing spectrum. In fact, another upcoming phone, the Starmobile Turbo will be following the trend, featuring a 5 inch HD scratch-resistant screen and 12mp BSI camera for just Php5,990!
Right now, the Starmobile Turbo is just a rumor, although this leaked image is as convincing as it gets. If the leaked image is to be believed, we’ll soon see a fairly decent phone at a great price point. Keep in mind that while other local brands have managed to deliver phones with 5 inch HD screens and the same quad core CPU for less, none of the currently come with BOTH a scratch-resistant screen AND a 12mp BSI camera.
Hopefully, the Starmobile Turbo will turn out to be a rumor that comes true. And maybe a few of the other budget brands will come out with similar phones within the same price range so budget-minded consumers have more to compare before buying.
[Image credits to original uploader]
I find difficulty of transferring my internal phone storage to my sd card. Once i press the preferred storage from phone to sd card it wont work. Once i download apps it always answer to be full when in fact ive just installed a new micro sd card. Will somebody pls help me.
in this age of octacore, why is SM going back to dualcore for the Turbo? specs are about the same as the year old Diamond, except for KitKat OS.
Interpolated back cam -.-
seems difficult for other brands to match MP Rio price per specs at the moment.
megapixel numbers means nothing if they are just interpolated. also unless this thing comes with kitkat out of the box, it’d be hard to get people interested. at 6k this better have a silicone/jelly case as a freebie.
except for the KitKat the phone has a similar specs with MP Rio but Rio costs a lot lesser xD
let the image speak not the mega pixels… thats what yuga tech says ehehe