If you’ve finished playing the Angry Birds game on your Windows Phone, Rovio wants you to play more as they added 100 new levels for you to enjoy. You just got some company this weekend so hop in and join the fun.

Along with the the new levels are the support for Xbox Live achievements and leaderboards on the Windows Phone 8 variant. The release should be downloaded completely again in case you have it installed as this is a re-release rather than an update. If you’re using something like the Nokia Lumia 610, an entry level Windows Phone 7.8 handset, you’re in luck as you can now play the game as well as it’s now supported.

Your current progress on the game won’t be affected and you may continue playing both separately but we suggest you look into the new version of Angry Birds as it comes with 100 more levels. Probably, it will also receive even more love from Rovio if ever they decide to put up some awesome levels soon.

There’s really plenty to like on this new release by Rovio and I know that you’ll be delighted that it’s absolutely FREE starting today until May 15, 2013.

Angry Birds Rio is reportedly coming to Windows Phone “very soon” too so watch out for any updates.


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