A group of scientists and researchers at the Dalhousie University in Canada has come up with a mobile application that gauges an individual’s state of mind based on behavior with their device.

The goal of the app is for specialists to keep in touch with clients while outside of the usual working hours and better understand them in order to tailor a more suitable approach to their unique condition.

Dubbed PROSIT or “Predicting Risks and Outcomes of Social InTeractions,” the testing for the application has began since February this year, said Dr. Sandra Meier of the Dalhousie University and IWK Health Centre.


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To measure the patient’s quality of mind remotely, the app gathers information on the user based on 15 categories. They include factors such as how much sleep the patient is getting, how often do they exercise, call history, message logs, music preference, screen time, etc.

Making the patient an active participant of the data-gathering process, they are encouraged to use the PROSIT app whereby they are asked to send out regular weekly reports involving their mental state. 

Typically, the self-report comes in a form of a 90-second audio clip which contains a message that informs the specialist of the good thing that happened in that particular week. In addition, the patient is also instructed to rate his overarching emotional state on a five-point scale.

Source: CBC

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