
The internet speed in the Philippines has once again displayed improvement in Ookla Speedtest Global Index for June 2021.

In fact, the Philippines advanced two stops higher from May’s ranking in terms of mobile internet speed. From 77, the country is now in the 75th spot. That’s thanks to the recorded average speed of 32.84Mbps from 32.03Mbps.

As for fixed broadband, the Philippines had an average download speed of 66.55Mbps last June, versus the 58.76Mbps in May. That advanced the PH’s ranking by 3 spots to 62 from 65.

PH advances up to 3 spots in Ookla's rankings for June 2021-noypigeeks-5418

Obviously, we’re still far from being on par with the top players. As per Ookla, the global average for mobile download speed is 55.34Mbps and 101.61Mbps for fixed broadband.

The steady improvement of the internet situation in the country can be attributed to the ISPs’ huge investments and the governments’ initiatives. The entry of DITO Telecommunity also pushed the competition in the market, benefiting the customers.

Both Globe and PLDT-Smart also ramped up new infrastructure rollout to make the 5G network available to more people.

Other providers like Converge ICT and Red Fiber are also coming up with plans that offer high-speed connections for appealing prices.

Source: Ookla

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