While we wait for the All New HTC One to be unveiled on March 25, here are some official photos to drool over, made available by none other than @evleaks himself.

All New HTC One silver

Just to clear out any confusion, this is the upcoming HTC M8 smartphone that is expected to succeed last year’s One. To officially name it as the One 2 would be awkward (and stupid) on HTC’s part, so @evleaks thinks the new flagship will be called as The All New One instead.

All New HTC One gray

As seen in the photos above, the All New HTC One will come in gray, silver, and gold.

[Source: Twitter 1, 2, 3]

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      1. Just take a closer look on that rounded EDGE’S my dear isn’t it resembles the Samsung-ish style xD also put a home button on it viola! S4-ish the HTC way lol!

        1. last time i know, those round edges are proprietary to apple w/c is stupid and HTC has patent license to that.i think it’s more iphone-ish.

          1. Well yes but if HTC and Samsung could have a baby it’ll surely look like this xD not a fan of both brands though :v