The coronavirus slowly making itself felt in the country will perhaps be marked in our memory as the day when classes were suspended because it has now become too dangerous to be outside. 

This resulted in the continuation of classes through online. Now, AMA Education system has decided to continue with this setup for school year 2020-2021. 

READ: Advantages and disadvantages of online classes

The AMA Education system made it known that they will continue conducting online learning for the next school year in place of classroom setting. This is a decision made in response to the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) as well as the Department of Education’s (DepEd) call of making sure that public education is readily available even when we are all under lockdown restrictions and the new normal

Conducting things online isn’t something new to AMA as they have been using the blended learning model which offers degrees in a wide array of courses via the AMA Online Education Program. Senior High School and college degrees in Information Technology, Communication, Business, and Engineering are part of the offerings. 

The following schools (nationwide), other than AMA Education System, however had decided on pushing through online classes this school year: 

  • AMA Basic Education
  • ABE International Business College
  • St. Augustine School of Nursing
  • ACLC and ACLC College
  • South Luzon College-Cavite
  • Sta. Veronica College–La Union

See also: Complete guide for the DOST Junior Level Science Scholarship Program

AMA is also eyeing June 2020 as the start of their school year. A discussion last May 11 with DepEd stated that private schools may begin their school calendar 2020-2021 as soon as June, however there should be no physical classroom learning not until August 24. 

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Once schools and universities are given the permission to open its doors and welcome students and faculty back, AMA also planned that they will only require students to come to school 3 days a week, the remaining days will be left for online sessions. 

Those who are interested to apply for a program requires a pre-registration through the AMAES website:

Just as we never expected for classes to come to a sudden halt 2 months back, so can we never know what the future will hold as we all try to cope with the effects of the pandemic—physically, emotionally, mentally. What’s important now is stay vigilant, practice physical distancing, and try to stay calm from such an experience.

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