The Philippines has seen one of the strictest implementation of the lockdown in light of the ongoing coronavirus crisis. With many forced to be cooped up in their homes, shops closed, and most transportation ceased, are hard hit by the need to resolve a rather imploding issue.
But while having the notoriety for being somewhat unruly—or “pasaway” in the local term—Pinoys were actually more adherent to the imposed rule, based on the data gathered by Google.

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According to the mobility data, the number of people going outdoors has seen a dramatic slump of up to 90% in comparison to information acquired before the pandemic even began.
As it appears, the giant tech company is able to monitor people’s movements by way of their Android devices whose phone location service feature is turned on.

But it is not just the average persons who were subject of the research. There are also other classifications that were subset to the study. They involve the offices which saw 16% decline and groceries and pharmacies that got 24% reduction.
The information were extracted based on Google’s acquired data for the months of March, April, and June 2020.