The Pokemon Company seems very busy lately that there has been an influx of Pokemon-related stories flooding the internet today. One of those tales is a yet another upcoming Pokemon title, Pokemon Café Mix, which is bound for release on mobile on June 23, 2020 and on the Nintendo Switch on June 24, 2020.

The Pokemon franchise is not a stranger to spin-offs that significantly deviates from the mainline titles’ “catch ‘em all” mechanics. The Pokemon Café Mix is adding to those list as it ventures to a different, but familiar, kind of gameplay by introducing a mix of business management sim and matching puzzle games.

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In Pokemon Café Mix, players take on the role of their own avatar as an entrepreneur who caters to Pokemon as customers and having Pokemon as aid in the business as well. Do good in the business and players get to afford to make an upgrade to their business and essentially attract new and greater number of customers.

The game is completely free to play on both Android and iOS and will be ad-free, similar to the Nintendo Switch version. 

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