
Apple just announced that it had extended its independent repair provider program globally.

The Apple Independent Repair Provider Program was initially launched in the US back in 2019, expanded in Canada and Europe in 2020, and now, available globally to more than 200 countries.

This means that the program is now available in almost all markets where Apple products are being sold, including the Philippines.

The program will basically allow independent repair providers, no matter how big or small they are, to have access to genuine Apple parts, tools, repair manuals, and diagnostics — things that Apple has been keeping for itself for years.

With that, out-of-warranty repairs and replacements can now be safely done by repair shops and boost the confidence of the consumer.

As a bonus, repair providers in the program are also given free access to training that Apple Authorized Service Providers (AASPs) and Apple Store locations get to have.


Joining the program is free of cost. But, Apple is asking them to commit to having an Apple-certified technician perform the repairs. Getting that certification is free, too.

To find an Apple authorized repair provider, you can visit their website here.

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