The United States’ stance against Huawei over the issue of national security has been the centerpiece of the debacle that has placed the company in hot water. The issue boiling down from the belief that the Chinese tech company plays essential role in leaking US’ sensitive information to the communist government.
But even with Huawei out of the picture, it seems that the Republic state is troubled enough with cybersecurity issues on its own.
Not only are its big corporations at the forefront of the issue, the government, too, seems to be on it as well—much to the clamor of those who find atrocity in the nature of the deed.
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Just last week, the American government introduced a bill called the Lawful Access to Encrypted Data (LAED) Act that seeks to exert the government’s authority over the data of its users.
While there may be noble reasons to pass the said bill into law, doing so will subsequently come with repercussion that will significantly undermine people’s security against acts of spying.