A consumer advocacy group has called on property owners to stop charging lease fees for broadband installation in residential areas to improve internet access for Filipinos.

Reginald Vallejos, a professor from the University of the Philippines-Manila and spokesperson for Filipino consumer rights advocacy group Suki Network, suggested that offering free broadband installation should be seen as a public service. He also said that broadband installation leases should be regulated by the government, which he believes should take action to suspend the fees attached to these installations.

The advocacy group is backing legislative efforts aimed at improving internet services. Two relevant bills have been filed in the House of Representatives—House Bills 8534 and 900—that propose clear guidelines for property developers to provide space for telecommunication services.

Noting that internet access is already a basic need these days, Vallejos emphasized the importance of expanding internet coverage. He argued that internet access is a fundamental right for citizens and crucial for contemporary life.

Similar legislation efforts were made in the past. In 2022, local telco Globe advocated for a bill that would require property developers to designate adequate space for network infrastructure in housing projects.

In Metro Manila, about 800 buildings have waived lease fees for broadband installation. Most of these buildings are located specifically in Makati.

Source: Manila Times

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