AndroidMX leaked some alleged LG Optimus G photos just before its official unveiling next week in the IFA event in Germany. A lot of rumors has already spread throughout the web about the leaked specs but this is the first time that we came to see the look of this Snapdragon S4 android phone. Actually, we’ve got a handful of them but these may not be exactly the same as the original product as it is still a prototype.


The guys from AndroidMX claimed that they got the chance to toy with the LG Optimus G and noted that the device seem to “fly”. Meaning, it is fast even though it is still a pre-production model.

If you’re thinking “why should we believe them?”, it is mainly because the unit they got had the awesome specifications consistent to the Optimus G leaks.


The LG Optimus G E973 is said to be running on Android 4.0.4 Ice Cream Sandwich, 1.5GHz quad-core Snapdragon S4, 2GB RAM, and 13MP camera. The device has a 4.-7inch IPS HD dsiplay with a 1280 x 768 screen resolution. Other specs include an Adreno 320 GPU and LTE connectivity. See the photos below.



[important]UPDATE: The LG Optimus G was officially announced by LG during the IFA event in Berlin. Check the updated details here.[/important]

Look interesting, right? We’ll hear more about the LG Optimus G by the time the IFA 2012 kicks-off in the coming days. For now, you might want to check out the current flagship phone of LG in the Philippines – LG Optimus 4x HD.

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  1. I can’t wait to get to know about this in detail
    when it is introduced at IFA. I think LG is doing a great job lately not only
    making the best quality products but also promoting them. Did anybody participate Quick Memo Event on LG
    facebook? I have my fingers double
    crossed so I can win an Optimus 4X HD or an Optimus L7.