
News on the BlackBerry comeback has been scant and pretty much boils down to the transfer of the license to develop under the brand name and a rough release schedule. But on Monday, Onward Mobility has reminded us anew that it’s still set on launching a new handset, but there’s a catch.

The company wants BlackBerry fans to join its precommitment program so it can gauge consumer interest. When you join the program, you’ll be among the first to receive news and updates regarding products, features, and availability. Your input and feedback will also be considered in what features and functionality will end up in the upcoming devices. And lastly, you can preorder and be the first few to receive the device, assuming it does launch.


So, it’s safe to imply that Onward Mobility is busy developing its first BlackBerry smartphone. But as to whether they mass produce it and release it to the public depends on initial demand.

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