Die-hard Blackberry fans, rejoice! The phone-with-physical-keyboard maker is making a comeback this 2021.
The brand recently announced that they sold 90 patents to Huawei as they were apparently ready to exit the smartphone business. That’s after they failed to make it big in the Android space, despite TCL’s back up.

But obviously, that’s not the case, as a new report suggests that Blackberry smartphones are making a comeback thanks to Onward Mobility, a startup based in Texas, USA, and Foxconn’s Android-making arm.
If you remember, Blackberry’s comeback in the smartphone business was announced back in August 2020. After months of delay, the device’s release has entered the “as soon as possible” status.

The 2021 Blackberry phone will feature one of the brand’s most staple identities, security and having a physical keyboard.
Will these devices going to sell well? Honestly, we’re not sure either. In the last few years, Blackberry kept on releasing keyboard-equipped Android phones like the KEY2 and KEY2 LE, but neither made a huge splash in the market.

Still, CEO Peter Franklin of OnwardMobility thinks that a physical keyboard can dramatically boost productivity.
The company plans to launch its 5G flagship phone in Europe and North America. They may also release the device in Asia in the future. Currently, they are talking with carriers and customers across the globe to plan its distribution.