The milestone transition of payment, application, submission, and claiming of loans, claims, and pensions into the digital realm for all Social Security System (SSS) transactions has been both timely and successful. All members can stay safe while accessing and performing SSS-related businesses while just sitting inside home.

Who doesn’t want a more accessible and hassle-free salary loan application, claiming of calamity loan, or maternity benefits application without being stuck in the traffic going to an SSS office and falling in a queue? All of these can be done via My.SSS or SSS Online where benefits can just be released straight to the bank account of the qualified member.

SSS Online account is a requirement

A member can only apply for any type of loan or claim any benefit once he or she registers for My.SSS account and successfully links an affiliate bank account. The good news is all of these can be done online and it’s fairly easy.

If you are a voluntary, self-employed, employed or an overseas Filipino worker (OFW) member of the SSS, this guide will help you apply and receive your loans and benefits faster than ever.

Enrolling a bank account with your My.SSS account

Using the SSS website is the easiest way for members to claim their benefits via the My.SSS account. Each of the steps on how to register for an account is found here.

Once an account is approved, you may now log in using your credentials. From the E-Services tab, click the ‘Bank Enrollment’ to link your active bank account.

Choose a bank among the accredited SSS banks and type in your account number on the designated text box. Do this twice for confirmation purposes. The compilation of accredited banks for SSS is listed here.

Tick the box to agree for the data collection process and information usage. Click the ‘Enroll Bank Account’ and the ‘Okay’ to finish the process.

You will receive an email confirmation containing the notice from the bank confirming the link. This email authorizes all transactions and benefits to be credited to your indicated bank account directly.

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Withdrawing your SSS benefits

You can enroll multiple bank accounts in a single My.SSS profile. However, once your bank account gets inactive or dormant due to insufficient funds or no recorded account activity, you have to manually remove it from your authorized bank account. Make sure to do the same to any stolen or lost ATM card.

You might encounter inconveniences in the future as the funds might be credited to a bank account where you no longer have access to. So, make sure to always update your account as needed.

In terms of security, your account might be locked once it gets accessed by an authorized user. To prevent this from happening, make sure to implement strong passowrds and two-factor authentication whenever available.

Once the transfer of the funds has been made into your account, check your online banking account via your bank’s official app. Mobile apps of accredited banks can be found and downloaded from the Play Store for Android users and the App Store for iOS devices. You can withdraw your money on any bank nationwide.

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