Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge caught on fire-2

Another Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge catches fire in the Philippines.

Unlike the unfortunate events that happened with the Galaxy Note 7, it looks like the case we have here is isolated. Well, sort off, since this is not the first time that an S7 Edge burst into flames.

Late last year, a Galaxy S7 Edge suddenly caught on fire when a kid was using the device. The incident burned a large part of the screen and the back panel. But despite the unfortunate incident, the owner of the phone praised Samsung for their excellent response and after sales support.

Galaxy S7 Edge burns while charging

But in this latest incident, it appears that the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge caught on fire while it’s being charged using its original charger.

The incident happened last Monday morning when the owner left the device charging while having breakfast. The owner was alarmed when she noticed a burning smell. She then went on to look for what’s causing the alarming smell and found out that it was coming from her smartphone which was already on fire. Thankfully, she was able to put it out immediately before things got any worse.

The damage caused by the fire was pretty severe as it burned and melted the device’s metal chassis and glass panels. Other than the actual handset, it also burned their nightstand and bedsheets.

And just like what happened to the first incident, Samsung Philippines provided a quick response by immediately reaching out to the owner. Samsung picked up the said S7 Edge to the owner to conduct an investigation to determine what caused the fire.

Despite these occurrences, it looks like it is nothing like what happened to the Note 7 as both of the said incidents happened months apart. But still, safety issues are an important thing, despite how big or small it is.

After the Note 7 fiasco, Samsung did an investigation about what caused those devices to blow up and they found out that it was because of the faulty battery design. Samsung learned a lot from the Note 7 embarrassment that they’ve developed an 8-point battery safety check for quality assurance and detailed it in a thorough and poignant video.

The Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge is an impressive smartphone.And despite the existence of the Galaxy S8, it is still one of the best smartphones you can get today. However, issues like this are really bothering and hard to ignore.

Source: TechnoBaboy

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